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Timeline of Inclusive Excellence at Northwest

At Northwest, we value diversity and inclusion. Northwest has adopted the Inclusive Excellence framework as it shifts the responsibility of recognizing the importance of an inclusive environment to the entire campus. This framework allows Northwest to recruit, 在鼓励和承认思想多样性的同时,支持和保留多样化的人口. 它使网上赌博网站十大排行能够解决和加强种族问题,并帮助缩小校园内的平等差距. Finally, the framework has been accepted by every academic, administrative and support function on campus. 


Current Actions

Current Actions








  • The assistant vice president of diversity and inclusion began drafting a Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan. 该战略计划包括教师和员工学习和外展的三个顶层战略, pathways for access and success for students, faculty and staff, and creating an inclusive campus climate. 该战略计划还引入了多样性记分卡, 哪个指标可以衡量整个机构的多样性和包容性.
  • 大学成立了校长多元化和包容性顾问小组, an Issues of Race Action Team, and a Black Alumni and Friends Presidential Accountability Team to bring together representatives from various populations, 帮助实现西北航空公司的多元化和包容性目标, 并解决文化不敏感以及偏见和种族主义的结构性和系统性问题.
  • 网上赌博网站十大排行收到了100万美元的现金捐赠,用于建立 Karen L. Daniel Legacy Fund, 帮助网上赌博网站十大排行为黑人学生和朋友提供一个中心, fund scholarships for Black students, 并协助大学重新关注多样性和包容性倡议.
  • Northwest, on Aug. 1, deployed required diversity and inclusion training for all University employees and members of its boards; 99 percent of employees and 100 percent of board members completed the training by the Aug. 19 deadline. 除了对西北学生进行必要的培训外, 该培训将提供给Maryville R-II学区, 玛丽维尔市和诺达威县委员会和行政.
  • Northwest created a Bearcat Equity Reporting Form to encourage students and employees to report any instance of discrimination on campus and within the Maryville community. The Bearcat Equity Program is a reporting system through which students and employees may report issues of discrimination and bias. Each report is reviewed by a Bias Response Team.
  • Northwest underwent an internal and external review to align its Office of Diversity and Inclusion with national standards set by the Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS in Higher Education).
  • Northwest adopted the Inclusive Excellence framework to address and enhance issues of race and help close equity gaps on campus.
  • Northwest commissioned Husch-Blackwell to review policies at the Board-level and within the Faculty Handbook to ensure they are equity-minded.



  • Strategic planning established new strategic objectives (SOs) with two focused on diversity and inclusion: SO1.3 “Foster inclusive campus and community environments; SO3.1“创造和培养一个包容的环境,让教职员工都参与其中, empowered and valued.
  • 与美国州立大学协会(AASCU)合作, student success initiatives at Northwest focus on first-generation students with action strategies that address specific barriers and needs disproportionately affecting students of color. The AASCU project started in February, 它的目标是识别盲点,找出限制进步的根本原因, 消除学生成功的障碍,标志着机构的责任和所有权, 使学生的成功计划和学校的目标保持一致, 并将学习转化为政策和实践的积极变化,以提高公平的学生成绩. 
  • The University reorganized the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and moved the unit within Academic Affairs. Equity, which focuses on Title IX, ADA, and Title VI compliance, 从多元化和包容性的保护伞中移除,并留在学生事务处.
  • 去年10月,该大学聘请了一名负责多元化和包容性的副教务长 to examine systemic and institutional barriers that hinder the graduation rates of underrepresented students. 这包括DFWI差异、负担能力和归属感.



  • Student Senate voted to add five voting positions specifically for underrepresented students and further strengthen the voice of our underrepresented populations.
  • During the 2019-2020 academic year, 网上赌博网站十大排行增加了与多样性相关的课程数量, equity and inclusion to 14. 其中四门课程是必修课, equity and inclusion studies minor and the 10 courses are electives; 1,对635项任务或项目的多样性进行评估, equity and inclusion learning outcome.



  • 2月,正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台会的黑人校友和朋友分会成立.
  • In 2017-2018, 学生会成立了一个包容性委员会,以更多地关注多样性和包容性项目, including attendance at national conferences and addressing issues related to diversity and inclusion at the Student Senate level.
  • In 2017-2018, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion created the Celebration of Success Kente stole ceremony along with a lavender graduation ceremony to acknowledge underrepresented students persisting and graduating from Northwest.
  • In 2017-2018, 西北地区进一步加强了多样性的实施, equity and inclusion ILOs by implementing a measurement of student success through the Canvas learning management system. This included creating a diversity, 人文与社会科学系辅修公平与包容研究.



  • 今年4月,校董会批准成立多元化办公室, Equity and Inclusion, 取代多元文化学生成功办公室, and the installation of a vice president with a seat at the Northwest Leadership Team table while reporting directly to the University president. 副校长促进大学范围内的责任和问责制,以加强多样性, equity and inclusion practices.
  • 多元化、公平和包容办公室增加了一个全职协调员的职位.
  • Northwest adopted "Being a Bearcat," a set of expectations for the University community that is provided to first year-students each fall and reviewed annually.
  • In 2016-2017, Student Senate created a position for a multicultural representative within the Senate to keep members updated on various initiatives and programs taking place in the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.



  • 8月,西北航空实施了战略目标3行动小组. 这个跨职能和多样化的规划团队由一名社区成员组成, faculty, staff and students representing varied offices, 部门和背景提供一个强有力的参与改进. 这个小组花了六个月的时间来评估环境, gathering feedback, collecting data, defining goals and seeking solutions. SO3团队的工作重点是影响代表性不足的学生的障碍.
  • In alignment with Northwest's strategic plan, 营销和传播以各种方式加深了对多样性和包容性努力的支持, including numerous media spotlights about individual exemplars of student success among underrepresented students and inclusive marketing.
  • University strategic planning was accompanied by an academic master plan that centered on the implementation of a set of Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs). These seven ILOs serve as the foundation for the Northwest Core general education program and align with co-curricular programming. 虽然所有的国际劳工组织都可以支持一个人在多元文化社会中的作用, an outcome dedicated to “diversity, “公平和包容”提供了具体的成功指标和评估标准.  
  • 学生参议院通过了一项费用,以支持网上赌博网站十大排行的多样性、公平性和包容性努力. 该费用为每学时2美元,目的是提高校园多样性, 与基础设施和规划相关的公平和包容, student access and success, 以及整体的学习和教学环境. 



  • 多元化和包容性目标被纳入大学的战略计划.



  • During the 2013 and 2014 planning cycles, Northwest increasingly asked questions centered on our mission and strategic objectives as well as the educational imperative related to enhancing diversity. 网上赌博网站十大排行继续通过定量和定性的输入来扫描环境, open fora, focus groups and discussions. We were keenly cognizant of campus, community, 各州和全国的趋势突出表明需要在多样性领域采取大胆的战略, equity and inclusion. This scanning highlighted the need to elevate our strategy to support learning and development across students, faculty, staff and the larger community.
  • In 2013-2014, the Office of Multicultural Student Success expanded from one full-time employee and a graduate student to two full-time employees (director and a coordinator).